Book: A little souls visit
I wrote this book is for anyone who experienced a miscarriage or an abortion and wants to understand why this occured in his life. With my clients I found very often, that a lot of therapeutic work was done on this topic, not always leading to a complete solution. The book contains a story, which will help you understand the event, and a healing meditation, which will guide you back to inner peace with it. Note: Healing meditations are not scientificaly prooved nor accepted by the established school medicine.
In the story a young soul asks an elder, experienced soul questions about life on earth. She wants to know why it is possible for a soul to visit earth only for a very short time. A powerful healing meditation follows the story. It is very helpful for healing unresolved issues around a miscarriage or abortion, and to free any blocked energy around it. >>> Amazon link to the book
Heilmeditationen sind wissenschaftlich-schulmedizinisch weder anerkannt noch bewiesen. Die o.g. Aussagen beruhen einzig auf eigenen Erfahrungen.
CD: A little souls visit
Story and healing meditation for people, who made the experience of an misscarriage or abortion and who want to heal this incident. Note: Healing meditations are not scientifically prooved nor accepted by the established school medicine.
The story: A little soul, who wants to experience life on earth for the first time receives instructions from an elder soul. It also gets to know, that some souls visit the earth only for a short period of time.
The Healing Meditation: Note: Healing meditations are not scientifically prooved nor accepted by the established school medicine. This is a guided healing meditation with relaxing music in the background. It helps to process the experience and to transform it. With the CD sound come very high vibrations, that support the healing. >>> Amazon link to the CD/MP3
Heilmeditationen sind wissenschaftlich-schulmedizinisch weder anerkannt noch bewiesen. Die o.g. Aussagen beruhen einzig auf eigenen Erfahrungen.
Der kleine Himmelbär
(The little bear from heaven, available only in German)
Der kleine Himmelbär lebt mit seiner Familie und anderen Himelbären ganz oben in den Himmelbäumen. Als er von den Höhlenbären unten auf der Erde hört möchte er gerne den Himmelbaum hinunterklettern, um sie kennen zu lernen. Denn er hat gehört, dass sie vielleicht in Schwierigkeiten sind und möchte gerne helfen. Und das tut er dann auch. >>> Amazon link