About me

I am a naturopath and physiotherapist and have been working in various therapy facilities and practices for 30 years. I have been working in my own practice in Hamburg since 1998 » More about me


The Electromagnetic Blood Test is a diagnostic method used for more than 40 years. Only one drop of blood is required for this test. All internal organs are tested for disorders and diseases as well as toxic burden (environmental toxins, viruses etc.). With the testetd toxic substances, the body will be helped through specific methods.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
The DeltaScan device is registered in Germany as an medical device. Still the following comments are not prooved or accepted in the conventionel medical science.

The DeltaScan device is for testing and therapy. The application is completly painless and not very extensive. All parts of the body can be checked within minutes. And if necessary a therapy can be given right afterwards. Testing and therapy is not comparable with methods of the conventionel medicine science.

You can find out more about the DeltaScan here
Light-Grids Therapy
is a new method created by the Irish healer Damien Wynne. It is for me the perfect method for using the new energy qualities of today and it is very efficient.

Light Grid / Energetic healing One to One Session
In a Light Grid /Energetic healing one to one session you can experience my Energy Healing work in a very intense way. When we connect, I can help you to find your core issue(s) of this moment and to work on its solution. I am using not only Light Grids therapy, but also different other energetic healing technics.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Flow of Energy® is a new method for personal growth and expansion.

If you have a problem, the core of it will be explained to you very clear and also what was creating it. It is not necessary to dig into the all depths of your mind, but only to solve, what is in the way of what you want to experienece in your life.

In Flow Energy® a combination of therapeutic and spiritual healing technics are used in a very effectice way.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Classical Homeopathy (which is often falsely equated with the whole range of natural medicine) is one of the oldest complementary medical treatments. In my practice I use mostly high potency homöopathic remedies.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Feet reflexology has been known in almost all ancient cultures. It was brought to Germany in the 50ies and has developed since then to a very precise therapy method. I combine the Feet reflexology with all other methodes in my practice and it is agreat help in supporting the body in many ways.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
In Ear Acupuncture needles are used to stimulate special points at the ear. It is a method to support specific organs or joints.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Chiropractic is an established method to bring the vertebras of your spine in the best possible order. A spine, that is aligned like this is a great basis for the whole body.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Not only the physical condition of my clients, but also the personal situation needs to be loked at, to get the best healing results. I also love to help with practical aspects of life or help my clients to get a clearer perspective about their life. In counseling I work with talking combined with energetic healing.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
Ultrasonic treatment will vibrate your tissue with afrequency of 1 Million vibrations in a secound. It is mostly used for joint and spine problems and also for the skin. The treatment is very comfortable.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
The following statements on detoxification therapy are currently neither proven nor recognized by conventional medicine. The statements made are based solely on our experience.

The body is supported by naturopathic medicines that strengthen the detoxifying organs (liver, kidneys, intestines, etc.). For tested, harmful substances, other methods are used specifically to solve the problem. The less stress the body has, the better it can regulate itself again.

During and after detoxification, you should drink plenty of good water.
Hypersound Acoustics is a new and fascinating method. What sounds quite futuristic is nothing else but the use of soundwaves higher vibrating then ultrasound waves. For more details please ask me directly.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
I use all kinds of therapies to help the body to detox. Building up strength in the organs with herb medicien is as much used as homöopathic remedies. A body, that does not need to deal with toxins can much easier sort out itself and find back into order.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
In Neural therapy a local anasthaetic substance in a very low dosis will be injected. It is mostly used on scare tissue and joints.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences. Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.
I test in a short time for vitamin deficiency and recommend different vitamin and mineral remedies for my patients.

Because of German laws, it is not allowed anymore to explain alternative healing methods and their results in details. Therefore I can not explain more about it on this website. Please get into personal contact with me for more details.

Die o.g. Aussagen sind schulmedizinisch weder bewiesen noch anerkannt. Die getroffenen Feststellungen beruhen alleine auf unseren Erfahrungen. The statements above are scientifically not proofed and not accepted by the academic medicine. All statements are the result of own experiences.

First appointment

After noting your personal dates I will ask you about your physical condition in the presence and in the past. After that I will do a physical examination.

Usually I find out quickly, which ist your core problem and what has to be treated as first. I then will explain to you, which therapies or treatments are working the best for you.

Then we will talk about the best Stepps towards health for you. The costs will also be spoken about.

At the first meeting I charge fort he counseling interview 50€. Extra costs will be added for treatments, when you want me to start with he treatments right away. 

Total costs fort the whole duration of a treatment are depending on the physical conditions –I will do my best to calculate the amount for you, but the exact amount is not always forseeable, as each person is responding individually and have their own pace. Nevertheless you will get an idea, how much it is going to be.

For the Counseling interview I plan 30 minutes, if I include treatments I need about 90 minutes.

The practice rooms

My practice is located in the beautiful district of Blankenese in the west of Hamburg in a quiet side street.

Bengt Thomson is an author

Here you can order my children’s book “Der kleine Himmelbär” and also the “Besuch einer kleinen Seele” or in English „A little soul’s visit“
Have fun reading and meditating.

A little souls visit

A little souls visit

‘The little bear from heaven’

available only in German